Monday, August 10, 2009

a pair of odd lovable ducks

so yesterday i was looking high and low for something and i didn't find it. but i DID find these little treasures which were sent to me on my mission. enjoy.

the first two are a front and a back of a card from bethany. it's worth your while to click on it and read all the little things. i personally like the tiny sister missionaries over the word TURN on the bottom left hand side.
nothing like a cartoon horse! these just crack me up.
i love this very flattering picture of me and my companion by amy.
chikin, turky, yumyum!

i also found the lost part of karey's christmas present! the one that i tore my room apart for and everything! oh well i have it for next christmas, heehee.


  1. NO WAY!!! hahaha I laughed so hard...the tiny missionaries over the "turn over"??? my "pig berthel" picking his teeth and patting his tum? what strange, strange children we were...

  2. HAHAHA! i laughed so hard! i was SO strange...what's with all the limericks??! had a good laugh at berthel too. and the huge, grotesque missionary pigs.
